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Jessica Vagg

Date: 01-10-2022


Submission from: Jessica Vagg
Business: Hobbyist - Perth, WA
Item: Talisman Locket Ring

Mystic talisman ring, handcrafted from sterling silver and 18k gold, hiding a rare Hackmanite gemstone inside, this magical stone displays tenebrescence, meaning it naturally changes colour in sunlight, as seen in the pictures it turns from peachy white to bright fuschia in only a few minutes, then converts back again to white, when kept in the dark.

I have protected it in a locket with a clear quartz top, featuring sun and moon motifs to represent the opposites (an element that should be present in all talismans concerned with the physical), two snakes for transformation, hidden magick and protection, the directions on the inner bottom panel with a sun over the east and under the west to represent the directions for spellcraft and to warn when the veil is thinnest in the day (dawn and dusk), and the back of the ring has the planetary symbols clockwise around the ring to signify rituals for certain days/planets, along with a triangle for the spiritual world and square for the physical, lastly I have added 9 stars on the roof of the lid for the ever watchful night sky and the goddesses Hekate/Nuit, this piece is designed as a functional talisman piece.

AJS products used: 1mm sterling silver sheet2mm sterling silver chenier1.5mm sterling silver wire, silver solder5mm 0.5 sterling silver bezel wire